The Presbytery Mission Plan for the Presbytery of the North East and the Northern Isles is a strategic document agreed by the Presbytery and relevant national committee (now Faith Action Programme Leadership Team). It accounts for both personnel and buildings.
The current Presbytery Mission Plan is a combination of the previous plans of the former Presbyteries agreed before the union of Presbyteries, with the exception of the former Moray Presbytery area which is in the process of approval.
An annual review of the Presbytery Mission Plan is required. This is undertaken by the Planning and Deployment Committee.
You can download a copy of the Presbytery Mission Plan by clicking here.
An 'adjustment' relates to church unions, linkages, deferred unions, parish groups, and so on.
The Planning and Deployment Committee offers a very helpful "Step by Step to Adjustment" to guide ministers, Kirk Sessions and congregations through these processes, including a protocol relating to the compiling of an Electoral Roll.