Presbytery Mailing 07/06/2024

Contents of Mailing:
Presbytery Bereavement
Reminder about Elder Commissions and Committee Choices
Young Adult Guild (LIFT) Meeting
Watoto Children’s Choir Concert
Jewish-Christian Glossary Webinar
Craigellachie Closure Events

Please find below a number of relevant pieces of information for distribution and consideration by Presbyters.

It is with sadness that we pass on the news that Rev Michael Phillippo, a retired Auxilliary Minister for Aberdeen passed away on the 27th of May. A brief tribute from Rev John Watson (Retired) is below.

I first became friendly with Michael when he was working at Middlefield church as Locum. He seemed to go everywhere on a bike and I was absolutely amazed to hear him talking of touring Europe with his wife on a bicycle.  He was extremely fit and thought nothing of cycling hundreds of miles.

When I retired in 2009 Michael was asked to be Locum at St Marks which he did for some time, becoming well loved by the folks in St Marks.  Not too sure how long he was there.  He was well known to all of the presbyters in Aberdeen as one who could be called upon to help where necessary.

When Michael decided to retire he and his wife moved to Newtonhill, and I renewed friendship with Michael once more. He started attending Sunday worship at Newtonhill, where I myself had become a member.

Although he never moved his lines to Newtonhill, he and his wife were regular worshippers there.   I did notice that Michael though was becoming quite unsteady on his feet and because of that I managed to procure for him an electric mobility scooter which he loved and It gave him a new lease of life and much more freedom.  However eventually his health deteriorated and getting about in the scooter became more difficult for him, and eventually it was decreed that Michael needed 24/7 care and a place was found for him in Lethan Park nursing home in Portlethen.

As I took over Locum at Portlethen and Newtonhill (Kincardine Coastal) churches on 1st January 2024 I went to visit Michael in Lethan Park and found him to be quite jovial appreciating his surroundings and care being given to him by the staff there.

I can say that many folks from many of the churches Michael served in as Locum were very much appreciative of his humour and his ministry, and he will be missed by many who knew him.

A reminder that if you are a member of Presbytery and have not already filled out a Committee Choice form for the coming Presbytery Year, these should be filled out and returned to the Presbytery office as soon as possible so that they can be collated and passed onto the Connections and Nominations Committee who will be putting together the committees in the near future. This includes Ministers and Equalising/Balancing Elders. The form can be downloaded here and should be returned by email or post to the Presbytery Office.

This is also a reminder that the deadline for Elder Commission returns is past and there are still a number of congregations that haven't returned details of their new/returning Presbytery Elder. We thank those that have already sent in details.

The Church of Scotland Young Adult Guild (LIFT) are holding a meeting on Tuesday 11th June regarding the upcoming General Election and the important of Voter Registration.

The link below is to join their mailing list to ensure you will receive the zoom link!

Click here to download a poster for a concert by the Watoto Children's Choir in Peterhead on the 30th June and 2nd July.

The Church of Scotland is organising a webinar to showcase the Jewish-Christian Glossary, introduced by the Chief Rabbi at the General Assembly in 2023. Hosted by the Council of Christians and Jews, the purpose of this webinar is to present the fruit of this ground-breaking work alongside some of the Church of Scotland’s prominent figures. Rev Fiona Smith, Principal Clerk of the General Assembly, will share her reflections on the key terms in the glossary. Very Rev Susan Brown, former Moderator of the General Assembly, will engage in a conversation with Rabbi David Mason, whose initial dialogues provided much of the content now included in the glossary.

The Jewish-Christian glossary explores various terms significant to both Judaism and Christianity. Initiated by the Church of Scotland and the Office of the Chief Rabbi, this project helps both faiths appreciate their differences and similarities by focusing on language to inspire respect and curiosity. By using common terms such as ‘justice’, ‘grace’, and ‘covenant’, the glossary reveals how the same words can be understood and interpreted in different ways. The idea emerged from years of dialogue between the faith communities, which fostered good relations between Church of Scotland and Jewish leaders but proved challenging to extend beyond those directly involved.

Our webinar will delve into the process of compiling the glossary, explore some of the terms in depth, and discuss its potential impact on future collaboration and dialogue. The discussion will be followed by an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

Wednesday 19 June 2024 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM (UTC+01)


Online event. Details to book here.

Click here to download a poster detailing events arranged to mark the closure of Craigellachie Church.