Please find below a number of relevant pieces of information for distribution and consideration by Presbyters.
The Presbytery Yearbook has been updated on the website, if you haven't downloaded a new copy recently, please be aware that the information might not be up to date.
A reminder that if you are a member of Presbytery and have not already filled out a Committee Choice form for the coming Presbytery Year, these should be filled out and returned to the Presbytery office as soon as possible so that they can be collated and passed onto the Connections and Nominations Committee who will be putting together the committees in the near future. This includes Ministers and Equalising/Balancing Elders. The form can be downloaded here and should be returned by email or post to the Presbytery Office.
This is also a reminder that the deadline for Elder Commission returns is past and there are still a number of congregations that haven't returned details of their new/returning Presbytery Elder. We thank those that have already sent in details.
Dyce and New Machar Churches are looking for any spare copies of Large Print CH4 for their Care Home Services. They would require about 10-12 copies. Get in contact with Rev Joan Thorne if you might be able to help.
There are election resources from the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office (including links to UK resources) at:
and Christian Aid have some information on issues:
Other resources that might be helpful...
Elections – Joint Public Issues Team (
JPIT General Election special (
Britain and the Bible - Bible Society
There are two upcoming safeguarding sessions that will be held online with trainer Rev Julia Meason:
- Introductory Training
- Date: Monday 24th June 2024
- Time: 2pm
- Register here
Trustee Training
- Date: Wednesday 26th June
- Time: 2pm
- Register here
Both courses will be delivered via zoom.
Click here to download Rev Carl Irvine's report on yesterday's meeting of the Aberdeenshire Education and Children's Services Committee (for those in the Aberdeenshire Council area).