First week in the post

An update from our new Presbytery Clerk.

The end of my first week has Presbytery Clerk has arrived.  It’s been a fairly hectic one, with saying goodbye to the congregation of Kingshill, finishing packing/moving home, and getting started in the office.  Everywhere I go at the moment I am surrounded by boxes.  But soon they will be unpacked and life will settle down.

Thank you to everyone for their kind messages of welcome and support.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time as Presbytery Moderator, getting to know people across our vast geography.  And I hope that it will stand me in good stead as I embark on this new role.  One of my key objectives is to ensure that everyone who is part of Presbytery feels able to contact the Presbytery Office, to get the support they need.  And I think one of the best ways of doing that is through building up face to face contact.

Over the summer I am looking forward to spending time with our convenors, as well as staff, to get a better handle on all that is going on.  And it will be good to be able to share highlights of that with the wider presbytery - hence this blog.

In addition, alongside our new Moderator, Rev Shuna Dicks, I will be participating in the various services of ordination, union and adjustment that are now planned.  It will be exciting to visit new places and worship with the local congregations.  Our first outing together is Sunday 14th July when we will be at Buckie North for a service of union, bringing together the linked charges of Buckie North and Rathven.

There will be much to learn but there is also a great cohort of people who have offered to help, which is hugely encouraging.

And that's an offer, that in turn, I make to you.  You can contact me on or through the NENI email address  My direct telephone number is 01224 049936. Or, if you fancy a wee trip out, you are most welcome to pop into the office.  The kettle will be on...

Rev Stella

Rev Stella Campbell
Presbytery Clerk