The Presbytery Weekly

Weekly news, events and information from Presbytery


Presbytery Youth Representative, General Assembly 2025

We are looking for one delegate from NENI to attend the General Assembly as a Youth Delegate (must be aged between 18 and 25 on the day GA commences, 17th May 2025)

It is an exciting, exhilarating experience and an opportunity to really understand the workings of the Church of Scotland.

You won't be on your own from our Presbytery - we already have 3 volunteers.

See more information here.

If anyone is interested, please contact Ruth Mackenzie ( by Monday 17th February.

Aberdeenshire Education and Children's Services Committee Report

Please see Rev Carl J. Irvine's report from Aberdeenshire Education and Children's Services Committee for distribution to Aberdeenshire congregations.

Supporting Women in Afghanistan

After careful deliberation, Church, Society and International Committee have decided to support In Their Lifetime project "Silk and saffron: lifelines for women in Afghanistan".

This project will extend earning opportunities to thousands of vulnerable rural women, boosting their income and status. CSI are encouraging worshipping communities to explore this project. See the brochure for more information.

Copyright Licensing

Here is helpful guidance on copyright licensing from the Law Department:

Music copyright and the Church

Reproducing and projecting songs

A Message from the Leprosy Mission Scotland


Steven McLeish, Scotland Country Head of the Leprosy Mission, is reaching out as part of The Leprosy Mission’s “Revive” campaign— a movement to partner with churches across Scotland to bring awareness of leprosy, share Christ’s love, and inspire hope and healing in communities worldwide:

We’d love the opportunity to partner with your church or group by sharing this inspiring message. Whether it’s me personally or one of our volunteer speakers, we can offer a tailored talk that includes:

• Stories of transformation and healing through this mission.
• Biblical insights on compassion, justice, and healing.
• Practical ways your church can get involved in bringing hope to those affected by leprosy.

If this is something your church might be interested in, I’d be delighted to discuss further and arrange a suitable time to visit. Feel free to email me and we can explore the next steps together.

Steven McLeish:


Umbellifer Retreats offered by the Caim at Luthermuir

The Caim at Luthermuir is offering retreats for those in full-time ministry.

Download the poster for your church.

Prospects Across Scotland Online Training

Prospects Across Scotland is offering online training.

‘Autism in the Church Family’.
This training comes out of real-life experience and will help you to understand autism, particularly in the context of church and faith. Come along if you are a parent, a friend, family member, church leader or member.

They are identical sessions, so just choose the date which suits you best. This costs £15 for a two-hour session and includes follow-up resources and training notes. There will be a short break and an opportunity to ask questions. The link will take you to Eventbrite for booking:

Monday 24th February 7-9pm:

Monday 17th March 7-9pm:


‘Building Communities of Hope – Worship for All’.
In this session we will learn about learning disabilities and what the Bible has to say, we will cover many practical issues and share ideas which could be incorporated into worship on a Sunday or used to hold fully inclusive services or celebrations. We have many years of experience of this in Prospects and look forward to sharing this unique and beautiful way of worshipping together.

Worship for All really is that! When we open up worship for people with learning disabilities, many others benefit too - children, new Christians, those who find traditional services difficult due to a variety of health issues or life stages - as one church leader said recently 'That was the best service we've had in ages!'

Again, these are identical sessions. This session costs £12 but if you have booked onto ‘Autism in the Church Family’ you will be able to attend for just £5. Links to Eventbrite:

Monday 3rd March 7-9pm:

Monday March 24th 7-9pm:

We don’t want cost to be barrier so if anyone needs a 50% discount they should email me with the date of the course they wish to attend. No questions asked!

Finally, although these are online courses, we are always happy to come and offer in-person training to suit your church context, as well as to give talks, midweek or on Sundays. Please do get in touch and we would delighted to chat through what might suit you best.

Here is a leaflet with a bit more information.

Hilary Lacroix  -
Mission Development Coordinator
Prospects Across Scotland 

Fluorescent Tubes and Bulbs Available

Following our successful application to the Aberdeen Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund, Oldmachar Church are to have our lighting system upgraded in late February and early March as part of our Net Zero carbon reduction and cost saving initiative.

During the work the undernoted tubes / bulbs and their fittings will be removed and replaced with LED fittings.  We are offering the removed items free for collection to other congregations.

  1. 20w E27 2835 6,000k LED Corn lamps
  2. 28w 830 TC-DD   GR10q 4 pin
  3. 28w TX-DD (4 pin)
  4. 16w 2D GR8 (2 pin)
  5. 5 foot 58w fluorescent tubes
  6. 6 foot 70w fluorescent tubes
  7. Osram Delux L 24w/840
  8. Osram Delux L 24w/26-835
  9. Osram Delux F 36w 26/835
  10. Marlin DCW 3003/6 300w
  11. Fusion EDDE18/84 18w 4 pin
  12. Various starters for fluorescent fittings

If you require more info or wish to see the items, please contact Andrew MacDonald at

As we have limited space to store redundant fittings/tubes/bulbs and must adhere to our contractors’ terms for disposing of redundant items the process of disposal will be

  1. Contact Andrew by 21st February confirming which items you wish and the number required providing the mobile number and name of the person who will collect them and general availability for collection e.g. daytime / evening / weekend.
  2. As the contractors remove items Andrew will contact you by email advising when they will be available and proposing a collection day / time.  If that’s not suitable please respond accordingly.
  3. All items must be collected within 4 days of availability failing which they may be disposed of by the contractors.

Any questions please contact Andrew.

Resources for Lent and Easter

Sanctuary First is offering you resources for Lent and Easter

and sending you an invitation to participate in its future!

The new material contains 9 weeks of daily Bible readings which will be accompanied by a daily reflection and prayer.

The latter are in the possess of being edited and will be available for you to look at if you are interested in the project.

It will also be available as an audio file for those who are sight impaired. These readings will follow the same format of our present daily material -

The second PDF File is a collection of weekly Bible Study material connected to the first PDF that can be used during Lent leading up to Easter.

Here are both PDFs: Bible Study, Resource Pack.

These studies will have a weekly podcast containing a much wider and deeper dive into the weekly topic. These will be hosted by Albert Bogle and James Cathcart along with guest contributors.

Here is a message from Albert Bogle:

Sanctuary First is now undergoing a restructuring since our core funding from the central funds of the CofS will no longer be available.

See our note to the community

Our present board is still passionate about the future of SF and I am reaching out to friends and colleagues within the CofS ministry and other denominations  to ask for your prayers and support as we move forward.

If you have not used SF before please take a moment to check out our website at  or go to our connect group pages and see how they function

There are over ten years of monthly themes connected to the lectionary that you could use as a basis for your teaching programme for 2025.

I’m really interested in trying to bring together a group of ministers and church leaders who will work with us in the future to begin to help us craft and develop the future shape and purpose of Sanctuary First.

If you think this material and my invitation to partner with Sanctuary First is of interest to you could you get back to me with your thoughts.

Albert Bogle

I’m provisionally suggesting that all those interested in setting up Lent Connect Groups in their congregation or using the material in another creative way could meet with myself and my colleague James Cathcart for an online discussion about the material and how we vision it being used on Monday 12 January 2025.


Full-time Reformed Tradition Chaplain - HMP Edinburgh

HMP Edinburgh are advertising for a full-time Chaplain closing on 21st February 2025 at 2pm:

Full Time Reformed Tradition Chaplain - Scottish Prison Service

Vacancy: Peterculter Parish Church

Charge and Tenure:
Peterculter Parish Church
Unrestricted Tenure

Further Information:
With a parish straddling the boundary between Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire, beside the River Dee, the congregation of Peterculter Parish Church seeks a new minister to lead us forward in the next chapter of our life.

Detailed information on the parish is given in the Parish Profile profile/. Additional queries can be addressed to either the Convener Isabel McIntyre, email: or Clerk Ross Andrews, email: of the Nominating Committee.

To apply for this position, please submit a covering letter, a CV and details of two referees to:

Applications are welcome up until the 31st March 2025.

Informal enquiries may be made to the Interim Moderator, Rev. Duncan Eddie

Vacancy: Charge and Tenure at Kingshill Parish

Kingshill Parish: 
Covering the settlements of: Westhill, Skene, Kingswells, and Blackburn, with two churches Trinity Church, Westhill and Skene Kirk – Kirkton of Skene
Unrestricted tenure


Kingshill Parish is delighted to invite applications to our unrestricted charge for a full-time minister to lead us into a new era at this time of significant and exciting change within the Church of Scotland. We are looking for a new minister who has a sense of calling and who will lead us forward with vision, energy, enthusiasm and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Kingshill Parish has a Children and Families development officer, a Deacon, a part-time parish assistant, a permanent secretary, in addition to a dedicated Kirk Session and congregation, ensuring a substantial spiritual and administrative support.

Kingshill parish is a blend of suburban and rural communities, situated in the beautiful countryside to the west of Aberdeen. It was formed due to the successful union of Skene and Kingswells in July 2023.

A parish profile can be found on our website:


Informal enquiries may be made in confidence to the Interim moderator, Rev Jonny Clipston


Applications should be made to the Clerk of the Nominating Committee, Barbara Emmerson, by email:

Applications should include: a Curriculum Vitae; a personal statement giving your reasons for applying and the gifts you believe you can bring to the congregation; the names of two referees with contact details (referees will only be contacted if the application is being taken further)

The closing date is, Friday 28th February 2025 


Celebrating St Ternan's Church Arbuthnott

You can download a poster for your church here.

Practising Prayer for Lent - March 1

Details for online registration will be added here later.

Download a poster for your church here.

Presbytery Service Inverurie West

The Moderator of the General Assembly is visiting us next week. This is a great occasion for all of us to get together!

Download the poster for your church here.

Founders' Day Service - February 14

University of Aberdeen Founders’ Day Service on Friday 14 February 2025 at 11am in King’s College Chapel. 

Join us as we pay tribute to our historic origins as an ancient University and celebrate the support of our benefactors over the centuries.

The University Chaplain, Rev Marylee Anderson, will conduct the service, and Rev Dr Shaw J Paterson, the current Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, will deliver the sermon.

The service will be followed by tea and coffee in James MacKay Hall.

For further information and to book a place: Founders' Week - Chapel Service | Events | The University of Aberdeen

Please note that the Chapel doors will open for access from 10:40 am and all guests should be seated by 10.50 am.

Download the poster for your church here.

Worship & Waffles - Pray for Justice

Banchory West Church is inviting you to join them for Worship & Waffles at the PRAY FOR JUSTICE Tour with International Justice Mission.

SAVE THE DATE for Worship & Waffles on the 23rd Feb starting 6:30pm at Banchory West Church.

For this, we are joining in with 24-7 Prayer and International Justice Mission's Pray For Justice Tour 2025 to host an evening of music, worship, prayer and food to bring together those around the world to pray into God's heart for justice. As a Freedom Church we support IJM and their work and will be highlighting their mission and how you can further support them.

IJM are a global organisation working to stop slavery and violence. Follow the link to fins out more.

Glorious Women's Conference - 8 March

The planning for the fifth Glorious women's conference is well underway.

You can purchase tickets here.

Speakers this year are Ali Herbert - Associate Pastor of Gas Street Church in Birmingham and Mairi Smith - Teaching Leader for Bible Study Fellowship in Aberdeen. We will be partnering with Safe Families, Alpha and Open Doors as well as hearing testimonies from local women.

To help us fill The Music Hall, we would love your help promoting Glorious. Could you share this information with women in your church and encourage them to come along to the conference?

We're really keen to encourage the next generation of Jesus followers and for that reason we are offering a reduced ticket price (£20) to those under 25. If you know anyone in that age bracket, please encourage them to come along!

Please advertise this event in your church, here is the poster.

For Thine is the Power - Next Workshop is this Saturday!

Just as a reminder, this Saturday we will be having the second in our series of three Aberdeen Academy of Theology workshops on the topic of divine power.

Dr Sara Mannen will be leading us through reflections on Christ and the Power of God.

The session will start at 9:30am at the Fountainhall Church Centre. All are welcome (even if you didn’t make it to the first session)!

February 15, 9:30-12:30
March 15, 9:30-12:30

If you know in advance that you're coming it would be great to have an RSVP so that catering is arranged accordingly.

There's a charge of £10 (conc) / £15 for each workshop to cover hall rental and food.

Download the poster for your church.

Magnitude 2025, 19-24 July, Church of Scotland Village

Magnitude is a five-day Christian youth festival for young people aged 11-18. Based at Lendrick Muir near Kinross, it is a week like no other: a space to encounter God, enjoy community and experience nature together. Our heart is to raise up a generation of young people who are secure in their identity and purpose in God’s bigger story, united in living fearlessly as followers of Jesus and passionate about changing the world for His Kingdom.

There'll be morning and evening gatherings for worship and teaching, and the rest of the programme is packed with activities, seminars, workshops and opportunities to hang out with each other (including sports competitions and cafes on site).

The cost of Magnitude is £169pp if booked before 28th February; £189pp if booked before 1st May; or £205pp thereafter.

To help support congregations looking to send young people to Magnitude, the Church of Scotland are hosting their own "village", which will provide a large marquee to gather and hang out in, the full week’s catering, AND a hoodie! There’s an additional fee of £40pp for this, which will be invoiced to each sending congregation after the event.

We also ask that churches send one leader with every 6 young people - although if this is a problem, get in touch with Matt ( and we can find a solution.

Booking instructions are found on the image below. Follow the steps.

Refuel 2025, 20-24 July

Refuel is a family-friendly Christian festival set in the stunning grounds of Gordon Castle Estate on the banks of the River Spey.  With worship leaders and guest speakers coming from all over the world, Refuel is ready to welcome families, churches, youth groups, home groups, campers, glampers, motorhomes, caravaners for a week long holiday, fun, inspiration and encounter with Jesus and His people.

To find out more, or to book tickets, visit:

Please pass this information on to families in your church who might be interested.

Don't forget to send your news to