Learning from one another

My father is a retired farmer and in his younger days was always pretty good at fixing things.  From welding machinery to nailing down corrugated iron roofs.  He was an excellent problem solver - taking an initial idea and adapting it until a suitable solution was found.  Even if it turned out to be a bit unconventional.

What are you like at solving problems?

Where do you draw inspiration from when it comes to generating new ideas?

On Stronsay, one of the north isles of Orkney, I met with members of the congregation to talk about their imminent vacancy and about what life as part of an island community was like.  It was encouraging to see how they very much operated as a team - which goes well beyond the church.  Past vacancies mean they have the experience they need to be able to face this next one with confidence, even though it will be stretching.  There was a great level of creativity in the room as they told me about past projects and their eyes lit up as they spoke about their carol and watchnight services.  It was beautiful to hear their retired beadle speak about the importance of giving folks a sincere welcome at the door.  A small group of people committed to reaching out into their community and sustaining worship.

One of the things we spoke about was sharing ideas across the Presbytery.  There are approximately 120 congregations in NENI.  Each with its own story and yet each one facing similar challenges or trying equally hard to find suitable solutions.  What an incredible pool of resources.

Over the coming months I will be working with my colleagues to see how we can find new ways of sharing ideas and sharing good news stories.  These will hopefully prove to be inspiring but also helpful in reminding us that we are not alone but part of a wider community focused on mission.

This Thursday night (10th October) we have the Service of Union between Devana and St John's Church for Deaf people at 7pm.  The service takes place at Devana Church on Holburn Street and Presbytery meets at 6.45pm. St John’s Deaf Choir will be singing as part of the service.  Please do come along and show your support.

Rev Stella


Stronsay Harbour