Service of Union: St John’s Church for Deaf People Joins Devana

A beautiful service held yesterday at Devana Parish Church on Holburn Street marked the union of Devana Parish Church of Scotland and St John’s Church for Deaf People.

Legally, this union was ratified on the 1st of September. The Local Church Review had earlier decided that St John’s would benefit from a partnership with another congregation. Following thorough discussions between St John’s Kirk Session, Devana Parish Church and Rev Mary Whittaker, who is responsible for ministering to the members of St John’s and other deaf congregations across Scotland, it was agreed that St John’s congregation unite with Devana.

The relationship between St John’s and Devana is long-standing. St John’s Church for Deaf People used to worship in St Mark’s church, and since May 2023, when Ferryhill, South Holburn and St Mark’s churches united to form Devana Parish Church, St John’s have been meeting in Devana Parish Church on Holburn Street. Mary Whittaker did her probationary placement at Ferryhill Parish Church under the supervision of Rev Peter Johnston, one of the ministers of Devana Parish Church.

This union came about in a very organic way. Now St John’s Deaf Local Mission Church is part of the mission of Devana Parish Church, i.e. the governance and finances are organised as Devana. Thus, the worshipping community of St John’s continues without the necessity for finding office bearers. The former elders of St John’s Church for Deaf People are now incorporated into the eldership of Devana Kirk Session.

There is also a plan to form a leadership team in order to help guide the work of St John’s Deaf Local Mission Church.

Mr Johnston shared his thoughts on the union: “We are delighted that the members of Devana and St John’s are joining together as one congregation but that those in St John’s are also able to worship in a way that works best for them under Mary’s leadership as St John’s Deaf Local Mission Church.”

“We are looking forward to the times when we meet together, that we are able to support each other, and see ministry for the deaf community in Aberdeen City and the Shire continue to thrive. We have a lot to learn from each other and we are excited at the prospect of doing so.”

In her inspiring sermon, Rev Mary Whittaker talked about bridges and how each church in this union has been growing on its own, building up a strong basis: from foundation to the piers. And now that it’s time to join hands and build the rest of this bridge, it will be a strong union.

All present learnt the British Sign Language for a song ‘Building bridges between our divisions’. United in Christ, we sang and signed together with the deaf choir:

Building bridges between our divisions,
I reach out to you, won’t you reach out to me?
With all of our voices, and all of our visions,
together we can make such a sweet harmony.

Rev Shuna Dicks, the Moderator for the Presbytery, who led the service, said, “The Service of Union at Devana Holborn Street was very special, with Rev Mary Whittaker and her deaf choir taking lead roles. We wish the ministry team every blessing as they continue the work already established and look for new ways to reach out to the parish and the deaf community across the north of Scotland.”

From left to right: Rev Shuna Dicks, Rev Peter Johnston, Ruth Mackenzie (Deputy Clerk), Rev David Stewart, Rev Mary Whittaker with her dog, Clark.

You can watch the service here: