I'm guessing that many of us will be enjoying the tremendous display of sporting prowess on show at the Olympics. From the gymnastics to the swimming, from the tennis to the rowing. It is incredibly exciting to watch the competitors attempt their very best to reach a final, achieve a personal best, win a medal or break a record. And for some, one medal isn't sufficient!
Whilst all the events offer something for the viewer, perhaps a little extra enjoyment comes from watching teams compete. Each person looking to do their best not only for themselves but for their teammates. Those on the water pulling together in the same direction. Those in the pool cheering their colleague as they reach for the wall. Those on the diving boards moving in sync. Those in the gymnastics hall rushing to high five each other when a routine is executed. And of course, it has been wonderful for us to watch Andy Murray and Dan Evans play together - even if that particular dream has now ended.
The events that I most look forward to watching at the Olympics are the relay races. Timing is everything and precision is key when it comes to passing on the baton. Each competitor asked to run the leg of the race that best suits them. It is enthralling.
Teamwork is one of the values of our presbytery. In our yearbook you will read: "We will draw on our talents and resources, building relationships, sharing together and working collaboratively."
We might ask the question - 'what does that look like in practice?'
There are lots of different teams at work within our presbytery. From the office, to the wider team of staff that is currently being drawn together, to the committees that are working hard to help us fulfil our roles and responsibilities, to the ministry teams within our bounds, to Guilds Together, to all of us together. And I'm sure there are others I've missed out.
There are plenty of opportunities to be part of the team - to add in your talents and resources - to help shape our life together. One of the simplest ways could be to attend our next Presbytery meeting (7th September) onsite, if you've not been able to be at one of the onsite events so far. It's a great way to get to know others and to share stories.
One of the greatest advantages of being part of a team is that when things go wrong, you are not on your own. You have a whole group of people looking to pick you up (sometimes literally) and get you back on your feet. Through all the challenges we face as a presbytery, supporting and caring for one another is so important.
Why not come along to the Service of Union at Buckie South West & Enzie on Sunday 4th August at 6.45pm to cheer them on in this next stage in their journey of faith.
Please note that I am on leave from the end of today returning on 20th August. Contact the office if you have a query and James will point you in the right direction if you need some help.
Rev Stella