What do clerks get up to?

It is a good question.

And what do they get up to when they come together for the annual overnight conference of the Clerks' Forum?

Well, let me tell you...

This year, the format was apparently slightly different from usual, with more of a focus on sharing stories from our own situations.  We had two sessions entitled Presbytery Snapshots, in which the clerks from three different presbyteries talked a bit about the challenges and opportunities they were facing.  I kicked us off, with a little bit of the history of NENI, the ways of working that we have adopted (bearing in mind our geography) and the issues we were facing.  We heard from our neighbours - the Highlands and Hebrides and from Glasgow.

There was incredible value in discovering that we shared some of the same challenges and there was learning in hearing about how others approached things like planning and meetings.  It was a good example of peer to peer support and I think the honesty and engagement in the room was much appreciated.  The presentations led on to in depth discussions, which helped to unpack particular themes.

On Tuesday we had a session with David Cameron (Assembly Trustees) and Dave Kendall (Chief Operating Officer).  Again, there was a high level of participation and it was helpful to talk about some of the big issues that our denomination is facing.

Following on from that was a session with the Office of the General Assembly team - including Fiona Smith (Principal Clerk), Christine Paterson (Depute Principal Clerk) and Victoria Linford (Presbytery Resource Adviser).  We learned a little bit about the legislative changes that are potentially coming to the General Assembly this year as well as how the General Assembly may itself be reformed.

In between times there were opportunities for building relationships and asking questions of those who have more experience.  It was a very supportive environment.

And there was also time to worship together, which was a real gift.  Being reminded of our calling and the One who calls us.

There is much that I will take away from the event, but perhaps the most important thing was that peer to peer support.  Talking to others who get what you are speaking about, and who have an insight into what being a clerk is.

Wherever you are called to serve, a good question to ask might be - 'have you found a peer group that you are able to connect in with and get support from'?

Rev Stella

