We are excited to give you a sneak peek at Rev Dr Marjory A MacLean's upcoming book "Oh All Right Then: Stories from a Varied Ministry":

I was well enough to attend the train-wreck, I mean service. Into the pulpit went lovely Murray, and commendably gave his oratorical ‘all’ to reading his probationer’s best homiletic efforts. It was grand for the first page, and then he tried to turn to page two, and discovered that page two was attached to, and below, page one. All he could do was push page one up the pulpit’s lectern to reveal the second page; which was sort of OK in a pulpit with a decent-sized lectern… but only until he got to the bottom of page two. As he pushed page two away from him to reveal page three, yes, page one started to work its way – visibly to the congregation and horrified Probationer – down the front of the pulpit fall, like an enormous roll of escaping loo paper. And then, like something out of a Gerard Hoffnung song, there eventually came the point, in a six or seven page script, when the cascading pages weighed more than the remaining bundle on the lectern.
If you want to know how this train-wreck of a sermon ended, pre-order the book now!
There will be three book launch events:
September 22 - Edinburgh
September 29 - London
October 1 - Orkney
Don't forget to book your free tickets in advance so that your refreshments are ready for you!