Many years ago, before I entered into ministry, Budget Day was a significant event every year. Often what mattered most in my area of specialism would be hidden in Treasury notices that were only briefly alluded to during the Chancellor's Speech. And occasionally I'd be required to write an article for clients summarising what changes had been made.
Whether we love figures, spreadsheets and calculators, or not, no doubt many of us will tune in to the headlines from Rachel Reeves' speech today to understand how our personal finances will be impacted.
We are also at the time of year for budgeting within the Presbytery and potentially within our churches. There are a couple of significant pieces of information in the Property & Finance Supplementary Report which will be circulated this week in advance of our Presbytery meeting next week. This includes your Giving to Grow contributions for 2025 and information about changes to vacancy allowances.
In addition, the Property & Finance Committee will be working on determining Presbytery Dues in the coming weeks, which will be relevant to every congregation in NENI.
I appreciate that with all the change going on in our Presbytery, finances are a challenge at the moment. A big thank you goes to those treasurers who are battling with producing coherent accounts for unions, especially those which will need to be audited. And it can take time to know what the ongoing financial status of a united congregation is.
If you are in a congregation which is struggling - either in terms of people or in terms of cashflow - the Presbytery is here to help. Our new Congregational Support Officer, Natasha Hepburn, together with our Stewardship Consultant, Fiona Penny, are available to offer support.
Every trustee in a congregation (and indeed in our Presbytery) carries a responsibility with regards to finances and making sure that things are done appropriately. It should never fall upon the shoulders of one person.
Therefore, even if budgets are not your thing, can I encourage you to be curious, ask questions about the finances (at congregational and presbytery level) and if there is a problem, please get in touch.
Rev Stella