Evaluation Forms

Whenever you order something online, you tend to receive a multitude of messages (e.g. emails, texts) about the item.  From confirmation of the order to tracking its delivery.  And then, when you think there can't be any more correspondence, you get an evaluation form. How was the delivery for you?

We are regularly asked for our feedback today and of course, when we're looking to use a service ourselves or purchase a new item, we may rely on the reviews of others.

Within the life of our congregations and our Presbytery, we have specific moments each year where there is an opportunity to evaluate how things are going.

One of the ways in which we do that is through the gathering of Congregational Statistics.  It helps us understand what is happening across the Church of Scotland in terms of worship, membership, office bearers etc.  Whilst the statistics may be discouraging, it is no doubt better to be realistic about the challenges we face than to try and downplay them.  An accurate appraisal may give us the impetus we need to do things differently - locally, regionally and nationally.

Within Presbytery Mission Planning there is also an annual evaluation, which our Presbytery Planning and Deployment Committee will have responsibility for.  It is an opportunity to determine what progress is being made against our Presbytery Mission Plan and where issues have arisen that now need to be addressed.

For Ministers, the Ministry Development Conversation, available through Ascend, can be a good way to set time aside to explore what you need for the challenges of ministry today.  It gives the space to consider your role, your ministry and your future.

And our Presbytery itself will be reviewed in future years, with pilots in two presbyteries being used to inform how that process will operate.

Evaluation is a part of life that's here to stay.  Whilst we might see it as an inconvenience, perhaps there are ways in which we could use the evaluations we are subject to, to help us gain a better understanding of where we are and to help us grow and develop.

Rev Stella
