Happy New Year!
For some of us, the Christmas decorations will already be back in the loft, thank you notes written and the house/church put back in order. 2025 will have been embraced with energy and excitement - thinking of all the opportunities that lie ahead. The congregational statistics form may even have been completed!
For some of us, the wise men may still be on show and with snowy weather, coughs and sniffles, the start to the year may have had to be more gentle.
Over Christmas, I spent time with extended family who had their wise men (there were two sets - one for each child) on the move. Every day they would edge a little closer to the stable, where the star was shining overhead. Using the original form of SatNav, they eventually found their way to their destination.
Regardless of how 2025 has begun, perhaps like the wise men, we need to be asking what our direction of travel is for the coming year. Where are we hoping to get to? Or, rather, where is God wanting to lead us to in 2025?
Do we need to pause and ask for directions? Making sure to take heed of the response.
As with the last two years, within our Presbytery 2025 will involve adjustments, unions, the closure and sale of buildings, vacancies, inductions, ordinations and the consolidation of team ministries. My hope is that as we navigate these significant changes, we will continue to grow together, embodying our values and encouraging one another along the way.
Interim Moderator Training
One of the ways in which we can journey with one another is to respond to the need for Interim Moderators and Vacancy Advisory Committee members. Thank you to those who have been in touch about the training. If you are interested in finding out more, please do contact me or Rev David Stewart.
Parish Maps
Finally, thinking of directions, I am delighted to say that the parish mapping system has become available once more and work is being done to improve what is available through it. If you are interested in it, you can find it here:
- https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=e758e0e01e2f471f9faed3903b9679c7
Rev Stella
Jeremiah 6:16
This is what the Lord says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
I am aware that some people got a rather strange email from the Presbytery Office before Christmas, as for some reason the formatting went askew. If you missed out, here is the relevant content: