The Big Conversation

This November, I had the opportunity to attend The Big Conversation: Faith, Worship and the Cornerstone of Christ. This was a conference sponsored by the Priority Areas Team in the Church of Scotland.

It was a transformative gathering for those serving in Priority Areas and beyond. Over two days, attendees were offered a unique opportunity to hear from inspiring voices, explore the Church's vital role in addressing poverty, and reflect on how we can strengthen our spiritual and community life.

We met just outside Glasgow in Bellshill and the event was attended by mission support workers and elders from across Scotland and were pleased to welcome the Moderator of the General Assembly the Right Reverend Shaw Patterson and the Convenor of the Faith Action Planning Team, the Reverend Tommy McNiel.

We were also very privileged to welcome some invited guests from the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team, 3D Drumchapel, Street Connect, Faith in Community Scotland, Wild Goose Resource Group, and Seeds for Growth.

For those who may not be familiar with a few of these organisations, here is a brief description:

3D Drumchapel

3D Drumchapel is a Charity based in Glasgow which has been journeying with children and families for over 27 years. 3D has created a robust locality model for family support that has evidenced a transformative impact on children and families in Drumchapel. This model includes quality frontline family support approaches and services embedded in the community along with a collaborative model for systems change, working with local partners to change the landscape with and for children and families.

The 3D model is widely recognised as a beacon of best practice and 3D Drumchapel are now launching a new service called '3D Futures' offering training, consultancy, coaching and toolkits, enabling other communities in Scotland to grow their capacity to develop and deliver their own model of family support.

Street Connect

Street Connect seeks to partner with local churches across Scotland to reach those in the community trapped in lives of addiction and related issues. Throughout this period, they have reached thousands of people with a message of Hope, that recovery is possible and a new future is at hand.

With bespoke training for volunteers and church leaders, in-house designed and produced recovery materials and programs, on-site project support workers, designated partnership coordinators, rehab referrals and aftercare services, Street Connect seeks to offer a wraparound service for churches and organisations who are seeking to reach this marginalised group of society.

Faith in Community Scotland

When Jesus says ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ many of us often put most of the emphasis on our neighbour, sometimes to the detriment of ourselves. With Christ as our foundation, how do we develop personal practices and approaches to wellbeing which help us renew body, mind and spirit as we minister in our communities and care for others?

The team at Faith in Community Scotland offers the chance to experience some of these practices which the team have been sharing with different congregations and communities and discuss with them the possibility and potential of support in your place.

Wild Goose Resource Group

Wild Goose Resource Group shared some creative and practical ways to engage in worship – with one session being a guided prayer walk and the other a symbolic worship workshop. They also led a symbolic worship time on the Thursday evening.

The worship was engaging and refreshing, and we had the opportunity to share meaningful conversations, all of which helped us find renewed hope to face the challenges of today.

This offered us a chance to hear about the fantastic work going on in the church and its partners and explore how we can strengthen our communities through faith-driven action. The conference was an inspiring and encouraging two days.

I certainly came away feeling refreshed and challenged in my role as Mission Development Officer. I learned about some wonderful groups doing amazing work in their communities and how some of what they are doing might be of help in our congregations and communities in NENI.

If any of this has piqued your curiosity, please contact me and I can provide more information including contact details of the various organisations presenting these workshops.

Also, coming in the New Year is a Mission Toolbox that I am looking to set up on the Presbytery website. In it will be various mission resources you can use going forward. So, watch this space!

Mission Development Officer, NENI.