How would you complete that sentence?
How would your church finish it?
And what are we imagining as a Presbytery?
I came across this wonderful noticeboard at Aberdeen North church whilst spending time there with the minister, Rev Fiona Lister. It caught my eye, not only because of its bright, colourful nature, but because of the sentiments conveyed by it. It is highly aspirational and reflects many of the values that we have been exploring over the summer months and that we aspire to as a Presbytery. And I love the use of the word imagination.
Many years ago I participated in a Future Focus event run by Rev Peter Neilson. One of the activities that we talked about was sending a postcard to ourselves from the future. Imagining what we might be able to say about our congregation or the place in which we are intentionally missional, in 5 or 10 years time. It was a great exercise because it allowed us to explore dreams without having to solve all the problems that might arise on route. It helped to reveal our deepest longings for our congregations and the places where we serve.
As a Presbytery, one of our purposes is to help congregations in doing just that. Exploring what the future might look like by dreaming dreams. And then using that to work out what the priorities should be in the here and now and determining what steps are necessary to work towards that future.
Our Mission Development Officer, Robert Smith, and our Youth Development Officer, Matt Sinar, are both keen to come alongside congregations and help them with this. As they come to know the Presbytery, and with their own experience, they will be able to share stories of what others are doing. I would encourage you to think about how you might engage with them to help you in your imagining.
This weekend I head off to the Orkney Isles in advance of our service of union on Tuesday morning. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the dreams of the people who live and serve there and who have rich stories to tell.
But before then, we gather tomorrow night at Bellie Church for Rev Eduard Enslin's induction service and I hope that a good number of us will make the effort to attend.
Rev Stella